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Plank Challenge #1

Planks are Awesome

Ok planks suck, but they really are great for your core and back. Whereas crunches can cause a lot of stress on your spine, and don't really do a whole lot for your functional strength (unless you spend the majority of your day with your back rounded and crunches (which, aren't we trying to *correct* your posture?)). Planks however, are supposed to look like you are standing, lengthening your hip flexors, engaging the muscles around your spine, tightening glutes, abs, and back. All the muscles that help you maintain good posture!

Doing dynamic planks (planks that involve movement) really do help emulate real life. Have you heard that some of the strongest people can throw out their backs, simply by picking up a pencil wrong? Well dynamic planks help your core muscles gain strength, and anticipate movement. They also improve your overall coordination. If you lift your right hand and left foot, that is a whole lotta muscles happening at once, and you have to be able to anticipate movement, balance, and adapt. You never know what life will throw at you so you might as well be prepared for it all!

Also they make your abs looks good.