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Lower Body Resistance Band Workout (and Core!)

Band Squat

Lower Body Band Workout

I wrote this whole spiel on resistance bands in a previous post, which you can see HERE.

The link is to the Upper Body Band Workout, which includes a short intro on resistance bands and why they are amazing! This is a free article that anyone can view, so share to you friends!

This one however is a Patreon Exclusive, so enjoy your lower body band workout!

lower body band workout


  • To get the most of your workout, pick a rep range that makes you really FEEL it by those last few reps! If its easy, its not doing much for you (I mean, its better than just sitting all day) but to get the most benefit. Make it BURN. If you have a very light resistance band (or you are just too strong for the one you have) and you cannot adjust how you hold it to increase the resistance, you might have to add reps (go to 20!). After that, then invest in a heavier band, you Hulkmaster.
  • Circuit the exercises by going right from one to the next within one Round. Take a 1 minute rest (water!) after you finish it one time, then do a second round. If you feel good, do a 3rd!
  • If you are unsure or are a beginner, start with 2 sets of 10 reps. If that is easy, add some! Don't overdo it your first time! Start light, and progress to more intense.
  • If you need more of a challenge, or want to amp up your calorie burn, do sets of 25-50 jumping jacks after each full round. Your working muscles will be resting, but your heart rate will stay high! Burn baby burn!
  • There are many exercises that involve stepping on the band. To reduce resistance, step on it with one foot. To increase resistance, step on it with two. To further increase resistance, widen your feet.

Squat with Band

Band Squat

Keep hands and shoulder height for more tension

Bring arms down for less tension

Reverse lunge to Balance (no band)

lunge balance

Balance is pictures

Step back with right leg into a reverse lunge, then bring right knee up to balance

Glute Bridge with Band

Bird Dogs

Bird Dog

Bird Dog

Attach band to a stationary object, then pull it toward your opposite knee.

These can be done without a band too.

Plank with rear leg lift

plank leg lift

Alternate lifting legs, pause at the top for about 2-3 seconds.


Lateral Squat

lateral squat

lateral squat

Pictured without band.

With the band, position yourself like the squat (band under feet, hands at shoulders), and step side and together, back to the other side and together.

Single Leg Deadlift (no band)




Lying crunch with Band Pull

band crunch

Lying Hip Flexor Activation

band hip flexor

Keep toe flexed. Can put your foot through the handle of the band, or fix it into a loop around a stationary object.


Single Leg Glute Bridge

single leg glute bridge

Cross one leg over the other. Provides a great hip stretch at the same time!

Lying crunch with Band Pull with Single Leg Raise


single leg band crunch

Extra credit! Double Leg Lift Crunch


double crunch

There you have it!

Do this workout once or twice per week and stay tuned in the next few days for an additional lTotal Body Resistance band workout,  available to Patreon users only!

In addition, you should strive to take more steps daily to increase your calorie burn, or make some time for cardiovascular exercise. Check out this article about what is NEAT, and how to add more activity in your day to increase your total caloric burn!

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