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Instagram Workout (many of them!)

total body workout

Revolving IG Posts!

Here is a post I will update every....week? Few weeks? Let's be real, probably every few weeks, because I play too many video games and updating things is hard! But I post specific Instagram workouts I do every so often, soI want to put them here and expand on their details a bit. I get gym-bored pretty easily, and I hate falling into a rut. We all have our comfort zones and I want to encourage people to get out of them (that is why I started doing PvP! It adds character!).

So if you are bored, or want new ideas, or just want someone else to tell you what to do, here are a few random workouts that I have put up on my IG account (@nerdcore_performance FOLLOW PLZ THANK). Some of these require special equipment, some don't. (For a list of my favorite recommended at-home fitness equipment, see HERE) Some are more advanced, some are great for beginners, but everything can be modified! So enjoy some random, hopefully not-boring, hopefully new workouts!

Total Body Workout

total body workout

Total Body Workout

This is a simple-ish workout that you can do with minimal equipment, subbing in whatever you have available to get it done! Its relatively self-explanatory but I will elaborate just a bit.

  • Back squats - Barbell across your back, or wherever/whatever you have available, but depth is important! (that’s what she said). So get LOW.
  • Med Ball Slams - I like to do these with a triple extension at the top, utilizing your full power. So lift the ball all the way overhead, arms straight, and hips, knees and ankles extended. Then slam that sucker into the ground hard. Catch it on the rebound so you don't have to bend over more to get it. You just did squats, we don’t need to do any more now, right?
  • TRX Push ups - TRX is one of my favorite pieces of equipment, and in fact I made a post about that HERE. Hold onto the handles and do a chest press, keeping core (butt, abs, etc) tight.
  • KB Walking lunges - This is 15 PER LEG, 30 total. Hold a KB in both hands for more strength training, or in one hand only to activate the core and work your balance a bit more.
  • DB Single arm press- A shoulder press holding a dumbbell in one hand only, not in both. This again activates the core as you have to resist rotation and the uneven weight distribution.
  • Plank with Row - Hang out in push up position with a hand on one dumbbell, then bring it up to your side. Keep your trunk and hips facing the floor and try to move nothing but your arm. It’s a lot more abtastic than you might think!
  • V-Ups - Lie on your back, then lift feet and arms at the same time and try to touch your toes in the middle.

Do this whole set 1, 2, or three times, or until dead

High Intensity Workout

This easy little thing (ignore “high intensity,” it doesn’t mean a thing) simply uses a battle rope and a kettlebell. Luckily man commercial gyms these days are wising up to the fact that people don’t want to be stuck in traditional gym-land and are now bringing in unconventional equipment like battle ropes, sleds, slam balls, etc. But in case you don’t have access to one, HERE is a link to where you can buy one if you so desire. But on to the workout!

  • Rope alternating waves (timed) - keep your core/midsection tight! You want an athletic stance and strong core, not all wobbly bobbly like you are trying to do the Dougie or something. Do that on your own time! Briskly alternate lifting your arms quickly to get a lot of cool looking ripples in that rope! Keep it up, 30 seconds is hard!
  • KB Goblet Squats - Hold the KB by the horns, in front of your chest. Squat down, with a depth goal of contacting your elbows to the inside of your knees. Keep heels on the ground!

High Intensity Workout

 high intensity workout

  • Double waves - instead of alternating, wave both arms at the same time! Kind looks like you are riding a galloping horse. Giddyup!
  • Lateral Lunge - Hold that Kb back at your chest, and step sideways in a straight line. Keep both feet facing forward. The only leg that should bend is the one stepping sideways, the other stays straight. Bring the moving leg back to center and repeat on the other side.
  • Rope waves with lunges - Ok, so remember how hard the first alternating wave exercise was? Now you get to do it again, and add a reverse lunge! Yay! If you feel awkward and like an uncoordinated monkey giving birth, then you are doing it correctly! Have fun! Take a video and tag me in IG.
  • 15 KB single arm press (ignore the typo in the pic, I don’t feel like editing it, because chances are it is not on my phone anymore! Yay lazy). Put the kettlebell in one hand, holding the top of the horns in your palm, so the body of the kettlebell falls against the back of your hand/wrist. Press it overhead.
  • Rope plank with waves - Because why wouldn’t I put a planking exercise in there? Hold a plank, grab the rope with one arm, and make waves! They will be small, it’s ok. You might ask “Do I do this facing the rope? Sideways? Side plank?” The answer: SURE DO IT ALL HAVE FUN BYEEEE

This is actually relatively short when it’s all said and done, so do it a few times, kay?